Congreso INGEGRAF Nuevos Modelos de Investigación y 2017 Colaboración en Ingeniería Gráfica RESEARCH LINE GAIT CYCLE. MODELIZATION, SIMULATION & TECHNOLOGICAL APPLICATIONS Sanz-Pena Inigo1*, Lostado-Lorza Rubén 2, Blanco-Fernández Julio 3 1) 2) 3) Department of Mechanical Engineering, Universidad de La Rioja, Edificio Departamental - C/ San José de Calasanz, 31, 26004, Logroño, La Rioja SUMMARY The goals and objectives of this research line are oriented to the development and evolution of the current human gait knowledge. Advances in the physiology and characteristics of the lower limbs musculoskeletal system is also one of the cornerstones of this research line. Although there is still a need of scientific knowledge in the field of human gait biomechanics, the development and improvement of the current technology is not limited by these unknowns. This research line is based on the use of reverse engineering processes and methodology for the creation of virtual models for the lower limbs musculoskeletal system. Tools for improving design problems on wearable robots such as prosthetics devices and exoskeletons are being developed. The use of simulation software based on the Finite Element Method (FEM), Multibody Dynamics, three-dimensional scanning techniques and additive manufacturing has led to the study of a wide variety of conditions during the gait cycle. Improving the performance of future devices that will help people with different mobility disorders. This research line is expected to validate and improve new technology developed in the field of biomechanics applied to the human gait cycle. KEYWORDS: Human gait, Exoskeleton, Prosthetic, FEM, Multibody Dynamics, Wearable robots, Reverse engineering, Biomechanics, Biomechatronics, Additive manufacturing. 337 Congreso INGEGRAF Nuevos Modelos de Investigación y 2017 Colaboración en Ingeniería Gráfica 1. INTRODUCTION Biomechanics of Human gait cycle Nowadays the degree of scientific knowledge around the internal execution of the human gait is still incomplete. Situations like the response of the musculoskeletal system to maintain the equilibrium despite external actions that disturb walking. The simultaneous activation of muscular groups that produce movement around joints, the response from the cognitive system to control the speed and force of these movements. The complexity of the musculoskeletal system makes difficult determining the function of muscles, tendons and ligaments on each instant during a movement and the muscle energy efficiency. These are some aspects of the human gait currently under research by scientists. Therefore, creating an accurate model of the system is still a challenge. [1],[2],[3],[4]. Technology. Wearable robots Throughout the history, technology applied to human locomotion has been developed around the world. During the last decade, there has been a notorious increase of technology in assistive, rehabilitation and restoration applications through the use of devices such as exoskeletons or wearable robots. Computational, processing and data collection advancements have facilitated the development of new biomechatronic devices with different applications mainly because of cost and size reduction. The use of these devices for rehabilitation purposes has spread due to the positive results experienced by the patients. However, in some other applications, other design aspects such as actuators autonomy or the kinematic behavior of the device are limiting the development of efficient wearable robots. The lack of lightness and flexibility between other aspects puts them away from being an alternative to other means of transport [5],[6],[7],[8],[9],[10],[11]. 1.1.- FUNDAMENTAL CONCERNS - Lower limb musculoskeletal system model improvement. - Manufacturing costs for exoskeletons and wearable robots. - Simulation and validation test for different range of users. Adaptability of the design regarding the different operation and application of the device. Joint degrees of freedom, active and passive actuation, etc. 338 Congreso INGEGRAF Nuevos Modelos de Investigación y 2017 Colaboración en Ingeniería Gráfica 1.2. GOALS The possibilities of the future technology and proliferation in scientific knowledge about the human gait cycle show a promising and exciting future for this research line. Biom- echanical simulations Standardization and results validation of the biomechanical simulation equipment. Designed and manufactured by research facilities such as Universities and research - institutes. Creation of a lower limb musculoskeletal model for FEM simulations. Tech-nological applications Development of a design and manufacturing methodology for cost efficient - exoskeletons. Flexibility and times improvement on the design and evolution in exoskeletons and - wearable robots. Cost efficiency improvement for the manufacturing and maintenance of exoskeletons and wearable robots. 1.3.- METHODOLOGIES AND MATERIALS - FEM Simulation software & Biomechanics of human musculoskeletal software. - Additive & subtractive manufacturing equipment, digitalization devices. - Control Hardware & Software. Acquisition and processing data systems. 2. RESULTS 2.1. PRODUCTS - LESE Prototype (Lower Extremity Simulation Exoskeleton) for the simulation and validation of human gait models. - Musculoskeletal system simplified model for FEM simulations. 2.2. PUBLISHING AND LECTURES 2- .2.1. PUBLICATIONS McCartney, W., Lostado-Lorza, R., & Donald, B. J. (2015). Analysis of Cementless Acetabular - Cup Rotation. International Journal of Applied Research in Veterinary Medicine, 13(2). McCartney, W. T., Lostado-lorza, R., & Mac Donald, B. J. (2014). Cementless Acetabular Cup Rotation: Artificial Bone Implantation, Theoretical A nd Finite Element Analyses With Correlation To Surgery. Veterinary Surgery, 43(5), E130. 339 Congreso INGEGRAF Nuevos Modelos de Investigación y - 2017 Colaboración en Ingeniería Gráfica Lorza, R., McCartney, W., Mac Donald, B. (2014). Theoretical Model for Calculating the Rotation in Cementless Acetabular Cup Prosthesis Implanted by Press Fit into a Hip of Canines. In-Applied Mechanics and Materials (Vol627, pp. 101-104). Trans Tech Publications. -2.2.2. LECTURES AND CONGRESSES COMMUNICATIONS Somovilla-Gómez, F., Lostado-Lorza, R., Íñiguez-Macedo, S., Corral-Bobadilla, M., Martínez- Calvo, M. Á., & Tobalina-Baldeon, D. (2017). Using the Finite Element Method to Determine the Influence of Age, Height and Weight on the Vertebrae and Ligaments of the Human Spine. In Advances on Mechan ics, Design Engineering and Manufacturing (pp. 489-498). Springer - International Publishing. Íñiguez-Macedo, S., Somovilla-Gómez, F., Lostado-Lorza, R., Corral-Bobadilla, M., Martínez- Calvo, M. Á., & Sanz-Adán, F. (2017). The design of a knee prosthesis by Finite Element Analysis. In Advances on Mechanics, Design Engineering and Manufacturing (pp. 447-455). - Springer International Publishing. Lorza, R., Gomez, F., Martinez, R. F., Garcia, R., Bobadilla, M. (2016, October). Improvement in the Process of Designing a New Artificial Human Intervertebral Lumbar Disc Combining Soft Computing Techniques and the Finite Element Method. In International Conference on - European Transnational Education (pp. 223-232). Springer International Publishing. I Sanz-Peña, J Blanco-Fernández. Application of modeling and simulation techniques in the cycle of human gait. Conference: I - Tudela, España, 16-17 June 2016. II “Simposio Internacional CEA de Modelado y Simulación”, Gomez, F. S., Lorza, R. L., Martinez, R. F., Bobadilla, M. C., & Garcia, R. E. (2016, April). A proposed methodology for setting the finite element models based on healthy human intervertebral lumbar discs. In International Conference on Hybrid Artificial Intelligence - Systems (pp. 621-633). Springer International Publishing. A. Dowd, B. Mac Donald, R. Lostado Lorza, W. McCartney, D. Comiskey (2014). A dynamic - intramedullary implant for bone fracture repair. EUCOMES conference proceedings, Minho. William T. McCartney, Rubén Lostado-Lorza, Bryan J. Mac Donald. Cementless Acetabular Cup Rotation: Artificial Bone Implantation, Theoretical And Finite Eleme nt Analyses With - Correlation To Surgery. ECVS conference proceedings, Copenhagen, 2014. R. Lostado Lorza, W. McCartney, Bryan J. Mac Donald and R. Fernandez Martinez (2014). Theoretical model for calculating the rotation in cementless acetabular cup pr osthesis implanted by press fit into a hip of canines. ACMME conference proceedings, Taipei. 340 Congreso INGEGRAF Nuevos Modelos de Investigación y 2017 Colaboración en Ingeniería Gráfica 3. RESEARCH TEAM Members of the research team Name: Inigo Sanz Pena Center: University of La Rioja Department: Mechanical Engineering – School of Engineering Doctoral Program: Product Engineering Innovation and Manufacturing Processes Name: Rubén Lostado Lorza Center: University of La Rioja Department: Mechanical Engineering – School of Engineering Name: Julio Blanco Fernández Center: University of La Rioja Department: Mechanical Engineering – School of Engineering 4. REFERENCES 1. Winter, D.A., Biomechanics as an Interdiscipline, in Biomechanics and Motor Control of Human Movement. 2009, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. p. 1-13. 2. 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