Data Documentation for “A general sizing methodology of grid-connected PV systems to meet the zero-energy goal in buildings” General Information: The dataset is structured in the following excel sheets: Investment costs: presents the investment cost in € of a photovoltaic installation, depending on the installed power in kWp. Five types of costs are distinguished: labour, electric material, aluminium structure, PV panels, and inverter. Electricity hourly costs: contains the price of electricity. For the hourly consumed electricity (CE) and the discount for surplus production (CD), the values are presented for each hour of the year, in €/kWh. The price of the installed power (CP) is a unique value in €/kW·day. All these data are presented for 2019 and 2022. Annual energy consumption (MWh): presents the annual consumption (divided by months) in the conventional and passive house, specifying the consumption for lighting and appliances, heating, and domestic hot water. For the passive house 2019 and 2020 data are presented; for the conventional house 2018 and 2019 data are presented. The percentage of each type of consumption was also provided. Hourly electricity consumption: specifies the electricity consumed by each house in each hour of 2019, in kWh. Monthly fuel cons: contains the fuel consumption of each type of house for each month. Solar radiation data: is the solar radiation over a horizontal surface in kJ/h·m^2 in the location of the study. It is needed for the calculation of the PV generation. PV generation: presents the electricity generation in kWh of the PV installation for each hour of the year, and for a range of installed power of 3 – 14 kWp. Energy conversion factors: contains all the needed conversion factors to reproduce this study. These are specific for the case of Spain and the studied houses. Name of dataset: Data associated to: “A general sizing methodology of grid-connected PV systems to meet the zero-energy goal in buildings” Name of data files in data set: Data associated to: “A general sizing methodology of grid-connected PV systems to meet the zero-energy goal in buildings” Dataset language: English Date the data set was last modified: 10/10/2023 Funder: This research has received national funds from the Spain Ministry of Universities, through the FPU program (FPU21/05062). How to cite data: Use the available DOI Methodology for data collection: The energy consumption of each house was registered through the energy metering equipment (electricity), and by measuring the quantity of fuel used (pellets in kilograms and gas oil in litres). The price of energy is available in the official web site of the Spanish Electric Net (reference available in the article). The energy conversion factors, lower heating values and CO2 emissions factors were all obtained from official sources (reference available in the article). The solar radiation and the photovoltaic production were calculated based on the procedure detailed in the article. Data collector(s): Ines Suarez-Ramon Date of data collection: January 2018 – December 2020 Person to contact with questions: Data entry: 18/12/2024 Software (including version #) used to prepare data set: Excel version 2411 (Microsoft 365) Data processing that was performed: The electricity consumption was measured with the metering equipment of each house. These data were gathered for 2 years, recording one value for each hour of the day. No processing was needed. The monthly fuel consumption was measured by quantifying how much fuel each dwelling used each month. No processing was needed. The solar radiation data was obtained from Meteonorm database. It was input into TRNSYS software to calculate the generated PV power. The equations that the model uses are specified in the article. The conversion factors were not processed. Variables: Photovoltaic (acronym) : PV Installed PV power : P_inst (kW_p) Energy cost: C_E (€/kWh) Discount of surplus generated energy: C_D (€/kWh) Cost of the installed electrical power: C_P (€/kW·day) Annual energy consumption (MWh) Hourly electricity consumption: E^E (h) (kWh) Monthly fuel consumption: m^F (kg) Global solar radiation: I_GL (kJ/h·m^2) PV electricity generation: E^prod (kWh) National average primary energy conversion factor from final (end-use) energy to primary energy: f (kWhPE/kWh) Lower heating value: LHV (kWh/kg) or (kWh/l) CO2 emissions factor: e_CO2 (gCO2/kWh) File Overview: The dataset consists only of one excel file. This file contains several sheets, where the different data are grouped by theme.