Minimization of DC link capacitance in transportation application
Autor(es) y otros:
Palabra(s) clave:
Capacitor reduction
Fecha de publicación:
Máster Universitario en Conversión de Energía Eléctrica y Sistemas de Potencia
Descripción física:
The DC-link capacitor is a bulky and expensive component. Therefore, there is an interest in reducing its capacitance in order to reduce both cost and size. An appropriate converter control can lead to a reduction of this component. In this thesis, the state of the art regarding capacitor reduction in the DC-link is analysed and classi ed according to the type of method employed. A general simulation is presented and analysed including all the components that conform the power electronics stage of a real scheme for vehicle hybridization. Using that scheme, some reduction methods are carried out and compared with the base case
The DC-link capacitor is a bulky and expensive component. Therefore, there is an interest in reducing its capacitance in order to reduce both cost and size. An appropriate converter control can lead to a reduction of this component. In this thesis, the state of the art regarding capacitor reduction in the DC-link is analysed and classi ed according to the type of method employed. A general simulation is presented and analysed including all the components that conform the power electronics stage of a real scheme for vehicle hybridization. Using that scheme, some reduction methods are carried out and compared with the base case
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